Ski Season Training Courses

Working a ski season may be your idea of the ultimate dream job, but you will quickly realise that you are not the only one wanting to get paid to spend your winter on the slopes. So how exactly do you compete with the thousands of other candidates and find a company willing to give you money in return for some hard work? Please see below for the ski instructor courses, snowboard instructor courses and chalet cookery courses that we consider offer the best value for money and which have the highest reputation in the industry, therefore offering you the best chance of employment.

ski instructor courses
Ski instructor Courses

Our range of ski instructor courses allow you to spend anywhere from a few weeks to a few months mastering the skills required to teach skiing. Expert tuition in Europe, North America, New Zealand and more!
Ski instructor Courses

snowboard instructor
Snowboard Instructor Courses

If you want to teach people to Snowboard you are going to need an internationally recognised qualification, thankfully we offer a range of worldwide snowboard instructor courses to suit every budget.
Snowboard Instructor Courses

ski chalet cookery courses
Chalet Cookery Courses

Before you are let loose in a ski chalet, your employer needs to be confident you are up to the task. While nothing beats genuines industry experience, these chalet cookery courses can add weight to your CV.
Chalet Cookery Courses

We advertise all sorts of courses, from boot and board repair to chalet catering, but the bulk of the demand is certainly for and from people who wish to become a teacher or instructor. Fortunately there are lots of companies offering courses designed to get you the knowledge, skills, and professional qualifications that you will require to see you through a season on the slopes. The International Ski Instructors Association recognize a range of ski instructor qualifications, details of which you can find in our training article.

Choose an instructor course

Choose an instructor course

If you are in the market for a ski instructor training course you are going to find that there are quite a few companies all offering quite similar sounding packages.

Choose an instructor course

My journey to the top

My journey to the top

Some people become so completely obsessed with skiing that they give up their job and spend their life savings on living, breathing and learning everything snow.

My journey to the top



After the amazing winter ski season of 2020 it is hard to imagine what could top it! But as every seasonaire knows; there is always next season...
